The Year

Forza Medica

We organized “Forza Medica” to create awareness of non communicable diseases in the society. For this project, we made five animation videos about the most common diseases we could see among people in the society. The chosen diseases were Cholesterol, Heart Attack, Diabetes, Hypertension and Respiratory Diseases. These videos create awareness about the causes of the diseases, ways to prevent them, symptoms and many more related facts about them.

Glaring Days

Glaring Days is the project we have organized to make people aware of international days that are less noticeable in the society with their busy work. We have chosen 29 international days to do our project. We will be sharing a graphic mentioning the importance of the day.


Calamity is a project which was organized to make people aware of natural disasters that might happen at any time unexpectedly. Natural disasters awareness is a very important part in reducing the damage of natural disasters. Disasters disrupt hundreds of thousands of lives every year. Each disaster has lasting effects, both to people and property. Creating awareness on natural disasters reduces the impact of disasters and sometimes it can avoid the danger completely by taking necessary steps needed. A guest speaker from Disaster Management Centre provided a knowledgeable lecture which included about floods, landslides, tsunamis, tornados, volcanic eruptions, storms and earthquakes which are considered as major natural disasters.


Transform'21 is a project organized by the grade 9 students of Red Cross Society of Royal College. Physical activities can improve person’s health and reduce the risk of developing several non-communicable diseases like diabetes, cancer and heart attack. Physical activity and exercise can have immediate and long-term health benefits. We are conducting this project to improve physical fitness of the people in the society.


Amidst the Covid-19 virus, the situation in our little island is in its worst state yet. With thousands of cases a day, several individuals are combatting the virus in effort to contain it. In the previous season of Chronicles, we spoke on awareness and containment but this year, for season two, the Royal College Red Cross Society is approaching a different prospect. We’ll be talking with individuals who are at the front line about the current situation of the virus, be it the bad, or the good. From conversations with some Sri Lanka’s most influential individuals, to awareness on our current situation, both the good, the bad and the silver-lining in between. Chronicles ’21 will combat the issue of miscommunication and lack of information.

Annual First Aid Workshop

The Annual First Aid Workshop is a project done by the Royal College Red Cross Society annually to broaden the knowledge regarding First Aid. First Aid knowledge is invaluable for both the individuals and for the community. It enables to assist persons who become injured in an accident or emergency until help arrives. Knowledge of first aid promotes the sense of safety and well-being amongst people, prompting them to be more alert and safer in the surroundings they dwell in. Awareness and desire to be accident-free keep people more safe and secure, reducing the number of causalities and accidents. We hope to provide the participants with the quintessential knowledge they need and to provide them with the knowledge regarding basic medical procedures by this project. And also, as the 2nd session of the project, we will be doing a graphic campaign through social Media regarding First Aid. This event will be carrying out with the collaboration of the Royal College Doctors’ Association.

Break the Outbreak

Break the Outbreak is a quiz competition organized by the Grade 11 members of the Royal College Red Cross Society. As of the current pandemic situation everyone is stuck at home and we are conducting this project to uplift people’s mental health and also uplifting the people’s knowledge about Covid-19 pandemic. The top 5 winners of this competition will be rewarded with a prize.

PCU (Preliminary Care Unit)

Preliminary Care Unit is a well-trained unit of first aiders and leaders. By forming this unit, it will uphold the safety of the students at Royal College. We will be holding 3 lectures about basic first aid knowledge for the first aiders with the cooperation of the Royal College Doctors’ Association. After the 3 lectures there will be a written test for all the applicants. The top 30 performers in that test will be selected for this unit. We have conducted this project since 2017 and we are looking forward to continue this great service to the college this year as well.

PCU Leadership Programme

PCU Leadership programme is organized by Royal College Red Cross Society to our members who will be choosing to the Preliminery Care Unit. Leadership development programmes give people important leadership skills and attributes they need to be an effective leader, such as communication skills, motivation and inspiration, as well as better decision-making skills and accountability. As a part of the process of initiating the “Preliminary Care Unit” we organized a leadership programme for the selected PCU members focused on developing their situational leadership skills. The programme was conducted in a very friendly and simple manner which was really useful to the members and which was really easy to understand.


LifeGuard project is organized by the Royal College Red Cross Society to keep people knowledgeable about First Aid and steps to be taken in emergencies. Knowledge of first aid promotes the sense of safety and wellbeing amongst people, prompting them to be more alert and safe in the surroundings they dwell in. A wrong step in first aid can lead worst results which can be even dangerous. It’s always beneficial to anyone to know the right first aid and the right steps to follow in an emergency. To provide knowledge about First Aid and steps to be taken in emergencies among people we are looking forward to developing an app. Our app will be available in both Play Store and App Store to make it more convenient to people.

E-Book Sports Edition

Royal College Red Cross Society to impart in providing sports injury First Aid, we will be publishing an E-Book. Through this E-Book we hope to provide a simple and understandable E Book for the players and coaches.


The project Hope ’21 will be a day out event for the kids from an orphanage to build their mindset. We have mainly focused on this project more as a charity event to make kids feel better and motivate them by planning events to build up team spirit and leadership along with fun. As of the current Covid-19 situation we are planning to conduct this project virtually.

Lecture Series

Lectures retain a major educational role because they exploit evolved aspects of human nature to make learning easy and more effective. In collaboration with the Royal College Non-Addict Movement and the UNESCO Club of Royal College, we are planning to conduct 5-10 lectures which are nowadays need to make aware. It will be a weekly lecture series and will be conducted by professionals in the relevant fields.

42nd Blood Donation Campaign

The Annual Blood Donation Campaign is one of the major events organized by the Royal College Red Cross Society and it has become our tradition since 1979. This massive community service project is not for the school’s benefit alone, but in aid of the National Blood Bank and through it for the entire country. We are organizing the 42nd Blood Donation Campaign, this year.

Knowledge College

First Aid is an essential skill that enables one to assist people who are injured in an event or emergency or accident until help arrives. Knowledge on basic first aid is important as the medical emergencies and accidents that are increasing at an alarming rate in the present world. Personal Safety has also become a vital life skill nowadays due to the present global pandemic situation. “Knowledge College” is a health promotion campaign organized by the Red Cross Society of Royal College to raise awareness about First Aid and Personal Safety within the school premises through printed media.

Vision ’21

We are planning to continue our Eye Donation Campaign for the 4th consecutive time this year. This will be a great opportunity not only for the students but also for any citizen who will be willing to donate their eyes.


Even though safe water is essential for human life, there are many schools across the country which are less facilitated. Revival is a project organized by the Royal College Red Cross Society that creates an initiative to provide clean drinking water. For this project we would be collaborating with a supply company and we will be setting up taps with a water purifiers in it, across locations in school that do not have clean drinking water.

The Health Magazine

The Health Magazine is a publication which will be published by the Royal College Red Cross Society. And also it is the first Health Magazine to be published in the College History. Being healthy should be part of everyone’s overall lifestyle. Living a healthy lifestyle can help prevent chronic diseases and long-term illnesses. It will include Health Tips, Health related articles from doctors, Articles from the members of the Royal College Red Cross Society and many more important information.

Coast to Coast

In collaboration with the LEO Club of Royal College, “Beach Cleanup” is an initiative created to combat the issue of plastic waste harming nature and polluting the once prosperous beaches. We will be distributing tools and donations that will help clean the beaches. Sri Lanka being a tourist destination one to its extraordinary where people love to visit, it’s ashame to allow it to remain polluted.